
 Name : Virel Manuel NIM : 13020119140136 MONTASE NOVEL REVIEW   MONTASE Windry Ramadhina, Romance, Love   This book was published in 2012 with its publisher Gagas Media. This book has about 360 pages. Montase teaches us about how we should appreciate the life we ​​have. This book describes what it is like to living with dying. Live together with a deadly disease that is very difficult to cure and can kill us at any time. The author, Windry Ramadhina, born and lives in Jakarta, she works as a freelance architect and founded her own design agency. She started writing fiction in mid 2007 at   If she is compared to other novel writers, I think she is one of the most unusual writers. She is able to provide information that is packaged in implicit ways.   This book also provides some interesting quotes. Those are: ·          "Women cannot be asked to think clearly when it comes to men. In a situation like this, their heads are filled with a pink blur ca

History of The Chinese Civil War (1912-1949)

                 In the early 19th century, China was still ruled by a dynasty called the Manchu dynasty which had been in power for approximately 200 years. At that time, in the southern region of China there is a young man named Sun Yat Sen who has learned western ideas that he learned during his time in Europe. He then founded an association called Zonggou Dongmenghui and spread his idea of ​​establishing a new Chinese government to replace the supposed Manchu dynasty that no longer fit to rule China. The organization eventually turned into a political party called Koumintang. The Kuomintang party eventually became the ruling party over all of China. After successfully establishing a Republican government in China, it was during this transitional period that the understanding of communism brought by the Russian people began to entered China. At that time the Chinese Communist Party founded by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao had been founded. Communism in China is also getting stronger