
Showing posts from November, 2020

History of The Chinese Civil War (1912-1949)

                 In the early 19th century, China was still ruled by a dynasty called the Manchu dynasty which had been in power for approximately 200 years. At that time, in the southern region of China there is a young man named Sun Yat Sen who has learned western ideas that he learned during his time in Europe. He then founded an association called Zonggou Dongmenghui and spread his idea of ​​establishing a new Chinese government to replace the supposed Manchu dynasty that no longer fit to rule China. The organization eventually turned into a political party called Koumintang. The Kuomintang party eventually became the ruling party over all of China. After successfully establishing a Republican government in China, it was during this transitional period that the understanding of communism brought by the Russian people began to entered China. At that time the Chinese Communist Party founded by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao had been foun...